Dryness and Flakes and Static, OH MY!

Dryness and Flakes and Static, OH MY!

Raise your hand if you have had cold weather hair struggles? *Raises Hand.* Most people struggle with dry hair, scalp, or even static in some form in the colder months. So combine already dry hair with extra dry and cold days and you’re in for a fight! Guess what, you’re not alone. I spoke with Davis who gave us some killer tips to add some moisture and balance to your hair this season! 


There are many ways that hair can become dry. One of the more common issues with dry hair is caused by hair color, whether it’s highlights or even a single process because it removes your natural oils. Second is excessive heat added to your hair by blow drying it regularly (or improperly) and using direct heat on the hair with hot tools. And third, washing your hair too often or with water that’s just too hot can strip your hair of its natural moisture.


Dry Hair:

So what can we do to combat this? It’s easy! First, for dry hair you should use the right products. Nourishing, hydrating products are very important to dry hair health. These come in many forms: a good conditioner, masque, leave-in conditioner or serums help your hair grab and hold onto moisture. Davis loves Kerastase’s Creme Magistral. It’s a leave-in conditioner, helps tame frizz and flyaways, and also can be used for styling! It’s almost like lotion for your hair! Also, avoid washing your hair too often and make sure you use a hydrating shampoo and conditioner. Davis recommends you only wash your hair 2-3 times a week at most, and use cooler water while washing. This will help your hair maintain its natural moisture and therefore reduce dryness.


Dry Scalp:

Now what about dry scalp? Yes, it is different from dry hair. Dry scalp can cause skin irritation, scratching, and even jeopardize your hair health. So what can you do? Davis recommends scalp exfoliation and scalp hydration. We have an amazing treatment here at Davis Feliz Salon that you can even bring home! It’s a scalp exfoliation treatment called Fusio Scrub that removes dead skin, build up, and helps your scalp breathe. Exfoliation, whether on your feet, face, or as we’re discussing here on your scalp, allows good nutrients from your products to penetrate and treat your skin. On your scalp, this means healthier skin, hair, and even could mean growth! Like with dry hair, try to use cooler water to clean your hair to not further irritate your scalp. Another product Davis recommends for ultimate scalp health is Initialiste. It creates a healthy environment for scalp, the roots of your hair, and even adds shine to your luscious locks. 



And let’s tackle that pesky static. There’s no better way to dampen a great ‘do than with static. It can be so frustrating and can affect anyone from oily to dry hair. That’s right, I’m not immune, unfortunately! Static is caused when your hair generates electric charges from friction within dry environments. It sounds like something hard to tame, but it’s actually quite easy. We know it can be caused by dryness (especially caused by cold temperatures without humidity outside or even artificial heat sources inside), excessive heat from hot tools, and overwashing. Whew, that was a mouthful. So let’s fix it! As we discussed above, Davis says to combat the dry hair first. You can use a leave-in conditioner or if your hair is oily, a  light heat protectant spray like Shiki Worker will work wonders.  Davis also says that if you blow dry your hair, don’t dry it all the way (up to 95% or so) so it’s still slightly damp but still finished. This will help reduce the static by helping your hair retain some natural texture and moisture. 


So you can still have gorgeous shiny locks, even in the dry and cold winter! Davis’ tips will help you add nutrition to your hair, create a healthy scalp, and maintain your ultimate style. You’re welcome to come for a consultation on what products and treatments would be best for you! Give us a shout at 203-861-6700 or book online HERE.


See you soon!