You Are What You Eat

You Are What You Eat

Happy New Year! What’s your New Year’s Resolution? If you said, “lose weight” or “eat healthier,” you’re not alone. I, too, am in that category… Well, maybe not losing weight (thanks to baby!) but definitely eating healthier. Now, since I’m in the hair biz, it got me thinking, how important is diet and nutrition to your hair?


We’ve all heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” Well, there’s a lot of truth to that! Did you know that you can see malnutrition through your hair? Hair loss, dull (natural) color, dry hair, weakened hair, and even dry scalp can all be attributed to different vitamin or mineral deficiencies. But guess what, a good diet is also a key component in your hair health, shine, and growth. 


However, as we all know, our body also knows the importance of heart, lung, and pretty much every other major organ’s health which is a lot more than hair. So, when your cells are carrying nutrients throughout your body, it prioritizes other parts of your body before your hair. Now think, most people are not getting all of the nutrients they need because their diets are not well rounded enough. That means their hair probably isn’t getting much at all! Eek! Hair is the fastest growing tissue in the human body. It grows an average of half an inch per month, or 6-8” per year! Without proper nutrition, that can be greatly slowed, or with well rounded diets it can also be accelerated a bit. 


I’m not here to diagnose you, talk to your doctor about that please, but take a look below at  the roles of various vitamins and minerals in your hair growth, density, and even shine! 


Vitamin A (or Beta Carotene)

Vitamin A (or Beta Carotene, which your body changes to A, SO COOL!), is a key nutrient which helps your body with the production of sebum. Sebum is a natural scalp and hair conditioner; our body has that built in for us! It also enhances skin cell turnover/reproduction and collagen synthesis. This helps your hair maintain normal growth and even helps your bones develop. All cells, like those in our hair follicles where your hair begins, need Vitamin A for growth. 

Recommended Food Sources:

  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Spinach
  • Sweet Peppers


Vitamin B (Complex, including B5, B6, B12, and Biotin) 

Vitamin B helps create red blood cells, which are the oxygen carriers in your body. We all know our bodies need oxygen, well, our scalp does too! Remember priorities? It’s important we have adequate blood cells to ensure your scalp and hair follicles both are getting enough oxygen for growth. Vitamin B also works on the hair itself, and not just the follicle! It benefits the hair shaft internally through flexibility, strength, texture, and even shine. It prevents dry scalp, dandruff, and dull hair color too. Biotin, one of the variants of Vitamin B, is essential for the production of Keratin. You’ve probably heard of keratin treatments (we have a whole blog about that too, HERE), and this is the same but naturally occurring in your body. Keratin is the protein that makes up your hair and nails. So, along with protein of course, Vitamin B is basically the builder for healthy hair. 

Recommended Food Sources:

  • Eggs
  • Potatoes (all varieties)
  • Salmon
  • Whole Grains


Vitamin C 

Vitamin C isn’t just for tackling a cold! Like Vitamin A, Vitamin C help with production of sebum and produces healthy collagen which is found in your hair follicles. That keeps your hair from becoming brittle and breaking. It also protects cells found within your hair follicles and nearby blood vessels, promoting healthy scalp and a perfect hair growth environment. Vitamin C has another awesome role in hair health. It reduces damage caused by free radicals (free radicals can be anything that hurts cells, like viruses, bacteria, etc.) and the harmful effects of UV exposure. On top of all of that, it helps the body absorb iron, which is important for oxygenated blood flow and hair growth!

 Recommended Food Sources:

  • Spinach
  • Oranges
  • Strawberries
  • Sweet Peppers


Vitamin E 

You probably always see Vitamin E advertised in face and skincare products, and this is  because it is an excellent nutrient for skin health. Healthy skin also contributes to healthy hair, particularly regarding the skin on your scalp. Vitamin E protects your skin and scalp from damage by free radicals and UV exposure. It maintains the strength and integrity of cell membranes in your hair follicles as well. Overall, it creates a beautiful and protected surface for your hair to grow and flourish. 

Recommended Food Sources:

  • Avocados
  • Nuts (Almonds)
  • Seeds (Sunflower, Flax, Chia)
  • Spinach



As you’ve gathered by now, scalp health and adequate blood flow are the foundations for healthy hair. So it’s a given that iron, which helps your red blood cells carry oxygen throughout your body, is one of the most important nutrients for your locks. Because it helps directly with oxygen supply for your body, it is vital for ALL bodily functions. Since your other organs take precedence, your hair won’t get the oxygen and nutrients it needs without proper iron. In addition to that, it prevents dry scalp and dull hair color. Also, one of the first noticeable symptoms of anemia (iron deficiency) is hair loss! Once again, please don’t diagnose yourself, but if you’ve  noticed unusual amounts of hair loss, it may be worth it to bring up to your doctor and have your levels checked. 

Recommended Food Sources:

  • Salmon
  • Spinach
  • Beans
  • Red Meat



You can’t build a brick house without bricks! Guess what, it’s the same with hair. Your hair follicles and hair itself is almost entirely made up of protein. While the other nutrients help create an ideal growing environment or help with oxygen transportation, protein helps with the structure and strength of your hair itself. Therefore, lack of protein makes it difficult to repair damage, grow new hair, and can even cause hair loss. You don’t need to be on keto/high protein diets, or eat a giant steak every day to get enough protein for this, though. Even vegans and vegetarians can get enough through diet if mindful of nutrients. 

Recommended Food Sources:

  • Eggs
  • Seafood
  • Beans
  • Meat



I feel like I’ve been hearing a lot about zinc for fighting Covid, but it doesn’t get airtime other than that. However, in addition to immune boosting capabilities, it is also essential for your hair! It is necessary for DNA and RNA production, for normal follicle cell division for tissue growth (stabilizes cell membrane structures) and even helps with tissue repair. Zinc helps to prevent hair shedding as a result as well. In addition, it maintains the oil glands around the hair follicles to ensure they are working properly, and assists in the breakdown and removal of superoxide radicals which can cause damage. 

Recommended Food Sources:

  • Beans
  • Nuts
  • Whole Grains
  • Oysters


Omega-3/Fatty Acid 

Omega-3 (or generally, Fatty Acids) play important roles in cell structures, barrier functions, lipid synthesis, and reducing inflammation. All of these contribute to a healthy scalp and hair follicles. This promotes hair growth and also significantly reduces hair loss. Healthy cells, healthy scalp, and healthy hair! 

Recommended Food Sources:

  • Salmon
  • Avocado
  • Nuts
  • Shrimp


Healthy Hair Sample Menu:


Breakfast: Bowl of oatmeal with almonds, flaxseeds, and strawberries.

Snack: Hardboiled egg

Lunch: Spinach Salad with chicken, tomato, and avocado.

Snack: Sweet Peppers with Hummus 

Dinner: Broiled Salmon with roasted sweet potatoes


Now that we know diet and nutrition can make your hair shine, prevent hair loss, and even keep your (natural) color stronger, why not take a well-rounded approach? I know I will!

As always, if you’d like to make an appointment with one of our technicians, give us a call at 203-861-6700, email us at, or you can also book online HERE.

See you soon!

  1. […] by just taking a dip and going for a swim.  If you remember our previous posts about hair loss or diet related benefits, you’ll know that these are all key components of scalp health and hair […]

  2. […] and E that are vital components of hair health and growth. If you remember our previous blog about diet and hair health, you’ll remember these vitamins and the key role they play in maintaining healthy […]