What’s a Keratin Treatment Anyway?

What’s a Keratin Treatment Anyway?

Keratin Treatment at Davis Feliz Salon

You’ve probably seen it on our menu or heard someone mention it, but what is a keratin treatment and why does it seem to be so popular in the summer? Great question! We’ve asked our Stylist & Treatment Specialist, Robert Marshall, to explain the treatment, how it works, and what hair needs it!


What is it? 

A keratin treatment is a process that softens curls and waves, greatly minimizes frizz (hello summer humidity!), and dramatically reduces styling time! It gives you 3-6 months of hassle free hair! Then of course because your hair is left shiny, healthy, and smooth, which will complement your hair color and style. 


Who should get it?

Keratin treatments are not for everyone, because it is a specialized treatment for specific hair types: frizzy, unmanageable curls, lackluster hair, or overly dense or voluminous hair. A treatment will transform the hair into sleek, shiny, and smooth without removing all of your natural movement and waves. That being said, a keratin is not for everyone. If you have fine or limp hair, you shouldn’t get a keratin treatment. It will take away the volume you do have and make it increasingly limp. Also, if you don’t want to lose any of your natural texture (waves or curls), this wouldn’t be for you. While it doesn’t straighten and relax completely like a Brazilian Blowout, it does smooth texture so curls and waves won’t be as pronounced as before. 


Why is it beneficial?

After the treatment, your hair will stay smooth with much less frizz, even when it’s hot and humid. So, don’t worry about the weather too much before a night out on the town on your tropical vacation! In addition, styling time is reduced by at least 50%. Enjoy that extra time! 

While the treatment does last a while, because it washes out of the hair over time there is no “root” or line of demarcation over time. This is beneficial because you only have to do the treatment as you want and not worry about a noticeable difference when it grows! 

On top of all that, and this is most important so listen up, the keratin treatment repairs current damage and prevents future damage. That means, stronger and healthier hair than before! 


What’s the process?

While the process can vary from brand to brand for keratin treatments, the general procedure remains the same. 

  1. We will first wash well with specific pre-keratin clarifying shampoo at least twice to remove ALL buildup (oil, product, etc). You want your hair clean for the product – this also means we won’t be using any conditioner. 
  2. Next we will rough dry your hair, so it’s mostly, if not completely dry. 
  3. Once your hair is dry enough, we will apply the treatment with a brush, similar to balayage style, roots to ends with complete coverage, and allow to process.
  4. After allowing the product to process in your hair, we will rinse it quickly and then once again blow dry, smoothing it in section. 
  5. Finally, we use a flat iron on small sections until the treatment is sealed in and bonded to the hair. 


Next is your part! You can maximize the longevity of the treatment by using a specific shampoo for post-keratins. We have this available for you to purchase when you need it! Also, avoid salt water and overwashing. Remember, keratins do wash out over time, so the  more you wash and cleanse your hair the faster the treatment will let up. 


So there it is! If you want to book your keratin treatment, give us a call at 203-861-6700 and we would be happy to help you make your appointment! 


See you soon!